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Public tender for the construction of a car park on the Sayonara Hotel site

March 26, 2010

  • The project, that will be financed by the new Plan E, will meet the historical demands raised by the district's neighbours
  • The car park will be equipped with 30 parking places for vehicles, 2 parking places for disabled people, 2 parking areas for bicycles and 2 areas for loading and unloading.

The Government Assembly approved the call for tenders for the project aimed at refurbishment and recovery of a public site located in the El Terreno district by means of the construction of a car park, that will be executed thanks to the financing provided by the new Plan E and which will involve a budget of 425,000 euros (VAT included). The construction works will begin once the Sayonara Hotel has been expropriated and demolished. The project will generate employment for 15 people.

The purpose of the project is to recover a public site, located between the roads C/ 2 de Maig and C/ Josep Villalonga, via the building of a public car park for residents, that will improve the parking problems in the area. Besides, it will also meet the historical demands raised by the neighbourhood's residents.

Public tender for the construction of a car park on the Sayonara Hotel site

The project envisages the creation of a public car park with 30 parking places for vehicles, 2 parking places for disabled people and 2 parking areas for bicycles. The approximate total surface of the car park will be 1,270 square metres. The car park will be located between the house numbers 82 and 84 on road C/ Josep Villalonga and between house numbers 48 and 50 of road C/ 2 de maig. The car park will be accessible from both roads. The project also envisages the building of the sewerage system required for the water drainage system as well as of a public lighting network.

Apart from the parking places for vehicles, the project also envisages two specific areas for loading and unloading. This decision was adopted upon the demands raised by the neighbourhood's residents, who pointed out a lack of this kind of areas in the area. The vehicles from individuals will be entitled to park on the loading and unloading areas in the evenings, a fact that will increase the number of parking places available in the evenings up to a total of approximately 36 parking places.

The parking will be built on several levels, a measure that will provide an answer to the difference in level existing between the two roads C/ 2 de Maig and C/ Josep Villalonga. Hence, the car park will have two accesses, one from each road. The planting of several trees will enhance the project.

Once the Sayonara Hotel has been demolished, the debris material will be used for the construction of the car park. For this purpose, the steel and the unusable material will be separated from the structure. In this way, the site located right next to the hotel, which is owned by the municipality and is currently empty, will first be built using the material resulting from the demolition. Containment walls will be built in order to create the different levels, on which the parking places will be developed.

Public tender for the construction of a car park on the Sayonara Hotel site

Date last modified: April 28, 2023