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The City Council of Palma and the Council for Housing refurbish the Muslim Tower

March 8, 2010

  • By means of this measure, the Patronage for Housing of the City Council of Palma celebrates its 25 years of existence
  • A total of 47,216 euros have been invested for the refurbishment of this tower that forms part of the Puig de Sant Pere archaeological remains

The City Council of Palma, with the support of the Council for Housing and Public Works of the Balearic Government, carried out, over the course of last year, the refurbishment works of the Muslim tower that forms part of the archaeological remains found at Puig de Sant Pere.

This tower, of Islamic-African origin, was built for military purposes and dates back to the reign of Bânu Ganiya (1115-1203) and forms part of the archaeological remains discovered in Puig de Sant Pere. This door was known as the ¿Portopí door¿ at the time, since it established a connection with the Portopí coastal path.

The building was in a bad state and the City Council of Palma has been impelling its restoration since the year 2006. The refurbishment works, the results of which are now presented to the public, will help to preserve the few remains of the Muslim wall that are still existent in Palma.

The restoration works began in January of last year and consisted in the following measures:

a) Repair and replacement of the limestone in the walls

b) Repair of the iron elements pertaining to locks and banisters

c) Application of whitewash on the walls and enamel paint on the metallic elements

d) Conditioning of the gardens and implementation of a watering system

e) Repair of the sanitary drainage installations and illumination

f) Repair of the urban furniture

A total of 47,216.72 € have been invested throughout the course of last year. Out of this sum, approximately 75% has been financed by the Council for Housing and Public Works and 25% of the amount has been financed by the City Council of Palma.

The City Council of Palma and the Council for Housing refurbish the Muslim Tower

Date last modified: April 28, 2023