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Public sector company and private company

Imatge Empresa Pública i Empresa Privada

Working for the public Administration is possible if you have all information on how the selection process works. 


First of all, you need to know about the different stages of a public entrance examination:


1st - Public employment offer by entrance examination: announcement of vacancies available for the current year. 

2nd - General terms: General requirements applicable to any vacancy offered by the Administration publishing the vacancy.

3rd - Specific terms: Specific requirements applicable to a specific position, syllabus, exam, periods and similar.

Secondly, learn about the general requirements to be fulfilled by the candidates. 


Thirdly, obtain detailed information about the selection procedure (if it is a competition, public entrance examination, competition-public entrance examination / open or restricted).
Fourthly, pay attention to when the vacancies are published and to the registration period and, then, hand in the application form within the established period of time. 


Finally, prepare thoroughly the syllabus and the exams. You might find it helpful to go to a ¿public library¿ (free service), as they have the entire syllabus content available. If you prefer, you may also go to a private academy to learn the syllabus content, but this will imply an economic cost. 


In order to opt to a vacancy at the public Administration, you will first need to provide evidence of your Catalan language skills (by means of a certificate issued by the COFUC) or do a test prior to the beginning of the selection process.  


How can I obtain information on the vacancies available in the public sector?   


In the Official Gazettes (BOE Official Gazette of the Spanish State, BOIB Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands and DOUE Official Gazette of the European Union) and on the websites of public entities and bodies.


The SMO (Municipal Professional Guidance Services) offers an online service:


1st - Select Convocatòries (Public Employment Offer) and
2nd - Choose Modalitat i tipus: Oposicions (Form and type: Public entrance examinations)

and then click on Cercar (Search)

How do I find information on how the procedure works?


IMFOF guide "Cerques feina¿ (Looking for a job) Pages 15-16.

Cij - Palma Jove

Infojove directory on the public sector

Points of information on the Public Employment Offer


RECOMMENDATION: If you are planning to take part in a public employment selection process or a public entrance examination, please make sure you have the original copy and photocopies of your academic degrees, course certificates, Catalan language certificates, employment contracts, CV, company certificate, your ID card and similar documents. 


Empresa Pública

Private companies may use different ways to search for employees and fill vacancies within their company. People looking for a job need to be well informed about which channels are usually used by private companies, in order to be able to plan and organise their "active job search¿.
Private companies may publish their available vacancies  and collect job applications via the press or virtual employment websites. Besides, they may also make use of the services offered by public bodies, job agencies, by associations and professional chambers. Companies also gather information from possible candidates via applications sent upon the applicant's own initiative, via spontaneous applications or via applications coming from the company's personal or professional environment.  
Taking into account all the possible resources available and taking into account your objective and professional profile, sometimes it is not that easy to organise your job search as it is to submit an application upon your own initiative. Due to this reason, we herewith provide you with the information offered by the professional guidance services online, that will be useful to you when looking for a job and to learn more about all your professional opportunities. The IMFOF collaborates with the SOIB in the provision of these professional guidance services to the citizens of Palma. If you wish to be assisted by a careers adviser from the IMFOF, please make an appointment by calling 900 139 138 (toll-free number).


We do welcome any kind of comment / suggestion related to this information material aimed at providing help when looking for a job, may it be in the public sector or in a private company. PLEASE HELP US TO IMPROVE THIS WEBSITE and contact with the IMFOF by sending an email to: 


Empresa Privada

Date last modified: May 2, 2023