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The non-permanent commission created for the improvement of the prevention measures aimed at the correct conservation and maintenance of buildings approved unanimously the appointment of its president.

March 16, 2010

The commission, that meets up once a month, has approved unanimously the appointment of Segismundo Morey (PP) as its president and of the councillor for Town Planning of the City Council of Palma, Yolanda Garví, as its vice-president.

During the session held by the commission, the manager of the Town Planning Department of the City Council of Palma, Bartomeu Tugores, took the chance to inform about the progress made by the technical commission, that is made up by municipal experts, by representatives of the Town Planning Department and by members of the professional Associations that are entitled to issue the Technical Building Inspection report. This technical commission works parallell to the political commission. The three main actions, that have undertaken by the technical commission until now, were highligted during the session held by the political commission and are detailed below:

a) The elaboration of a comparative study involving other municipal regulations in force in other municipalities across Spain regulating the technical inspection of buildings.

b) Specification of the leaflet content that will regulate the contracting of the technical support services who will be in charge of developing the risk map of Palma.

c) Proposals that shall contribute towards encouraging the owners of buildings to maintain their buildings in a good state of conservation. Some of these proposals envisage promoting awareness-building campaigns, changes in the regulation, encourage the collaboration with professional associations or propose subsidies for building rehabilitation.

The non-permanent commission created for the improvement of the prevention measures aimed at the correct conservation and maintenance of buildings approved unanimously the appointment of its president.

Date last modified: April 28, 2023